Saturday, August 28, 2010


Well, after having a good week of sleep, it all went to pot this past week. However, I'm trying to cut our little miss some slack. She took her first steps on Thursday... of all days, but the day that Auntie Bianca came to visit!! I kept saying to our babysitter Marisa, that Angela would walk before her last day... but I sent her home a half-hour early on her last day, and Angela literally walked about 15-20 minutes after she left. Such is life. She also has been spending a lot more time talking and interacting with people. Her sense of understanding is really blossoming, and I think the combination of mastering her walk and realizing she can communicate, is making her mind a bit restless at night. I'm trying very very hard to be sympathetic as she was sleeping in up to 8 hour stretches last week now back to 1-2 hour stretches the past week.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

It's been a while..

since I last posted. Angela's sleep habits, or lack thereof have been all consuming the past few weeks. We had a conversation with a sleep consultant over the phone, changed some things around and for a week Angela was taking better naps and was easier to get to bed. Then last week, it all became undone somehow, I think she caught on to our game. And then, last night, she turned it all around again - went to bed at 8:00, woke up at 2:00, and then slept till quarter of seven. John got her down for a nap at 9:15ish and she's been asleep for over two hours now. This is only one night/day so I'm not putting too much stock in this being a new habit - but it's atleast a nice break.

In other news Angela can now:

  • Wave and say "bye-bye" - but usually only does this after the person has left and cannot see or hear her.

  • Stack toys and put them away (small victories)

  • Throws a ball (kind of)

  • Gives High-Fives

  • Gives non-biting kisses with the smooch sound (to grandma, once)

  • Pretty much climb off the couch on her own.

  • Imitate words that we say to her - birdie, diaper, doggie - not very well, but the basic sound is there.

  • Roar like a lion.

  • Climb a full flight of stairs, thanks to daddy encouraging her to do this as he stood behind her.

  • She also tried to brush her hair last night, which was pretty cute.
She also likes to reach and scream for things/babies etc that she can't have. This is less cute.