Tuesday, June 23, 2009

28 weeks

This was tentatively our last level 2 ultrasound at Winchester Hospital, I also had an appointment this morning with my OB to take the glucose challenge test - which screens for gestational diabetes. The drink was a joke - people have talked about it being gross & that it makes you want to vomit - it's basically soda without carbonation - very easy to swallow.
We were excited to see Angela again, in her increasing cramped quarters. at 2 lbs 11oz she is measuring in the 57th percentile and the doctor was very happy with her development. He estimated that she will weigh between 8-8.5lbs when she arrives, we'll see how that pans out. I think she was kind of sleepy when the tech was doing the u/s - she had one arm up by her head when we first saw her. But then she started moving around a bit, putting her hand in her mouth (which is what she is doing in the picture) & we even caught a glimpse of her taking a very big yawn - it was so cute. We also got a very clear glimpse of her undercarriage...definitely a little girl and not a boy - haha. We also got to see a couple 4D images of her face - totally amazing - it was very much like being able to look at her for real.
I've been feeling her movements a lot, not just kicks but now I can feel her roll around which is fun & I spend a lot of my time holding my belly if I'm not doing anything.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

27 going on 28 weeks

So at my doctor's appointment last Friday - I did not take the glucose challenge test because they booked my appointment for too late in the day, however it seems I have somehow managed to gain 12 pounds in 4 weeks as opposed to the usual 4 pounds that is average. Wow. The doctor wasn't too worried, my overall weight gain has been ok. The next day when I was home I weighed myself with clothes on and I weight 5 pounds less than I did at the doctor's office - so, go figure. I have an appointment this coming Tuesday to do the glucose challenge test & then in the afternoon I have another level 2 ultrasound at the hospital to check the baby's development. Hopefully she'll weigh about 2 pounds, and it will be nice to "see" her again. From this point forward I will be seeing my OB every 2 weeks. Work has been good, but now I need to start thinking about who is going to take over some of my responsibilities - paperwork is somewhat easy to hand off, however my managerial input is not something I can expect from really anyone else... so I'm still not sure what to do about that.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Rub it for good Luck.

So, tomorrow is 25 weeks and the baby weighs somewhere in the range of 1.5 pounds. It's definitely becoming more challenging to do simple tasks - rolling over in bed, picking up & putting on my shoes etc... She kicks pretty frequently throughout the day but I've gotten more used to it - except I'm still not a big fan of when she kicks downward towards my cervix... that feels a bit weird; I guess I never thought that babies will kick more than just outwards towards your stomach.The morning sickness is only once in a while now and I tend to only get nauseous when I'm really hungry and need to eat. Other than that I feel pretty good!