Wednesday, July 29, 2009

33 Weeks & Holy Cankles

After a long day yesterday my ankles were so swollen I could barely flex my feet & they were starting to hurt.
Last night John & I watched as Angela did a little jig inside - it was cute.
I am still throwing up on occasion and go from hungry to starving if I don't eat as soon as I need to... like right now!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

32 weeks

5 weeks until munchkin is considered full term. She has had the hiccups a few times here and there but otherwise all is well & I feel good. We ordered her crib & other nursery furniture this weekend, still not sure what to do about the bassinet situation, the pack n play does have a built in bassinet, so I am considering using that, seeing as how a baby only fits in a bassinet for so many months. We have our birthing class the second Saturday in August & I am yet to do the pediatrician search & get that taken care of. Work is another situation - lots of stuff going on...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

First Baby Clothes Purchase

After gifting the Maryjane version to Leah, I figure Angela should love these!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

31 weeks & Rhogam shot

So today I got to take a trip back to Winchester Hospital for my Rhogam shot because I'm lucky and I'm Rh-negative - hooray! They took a sample of my blood to test and see if my body is making any Rh-positive antibodies and gave me a shot in the arm to prevent my body from doing so.
A lot of the time I can feel various parts of the baby sticking out, I'm not quite sure what I'm feeling, a knee... a bum... once I'm pretty sure I felt a leg because the bump was long as opposed to rounded, but it's nice to make contact with the little one inside. I am not sleeping very well - not because of bathroom breaks - although those are quite frequent - but I'm very restless in bed and I often sleep in the guest bedroom where the mattress is a bit firmer and it's a bit quieter.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

30 weeks

Today is exactly 30 weeks, the baby's kicks have become more muffled but now I can feel movement much more often as she repositions herself throughout the day. Sometimes she stretches out and she hits me in the pelvis and the ribs at the same time. Two weeks ago she was nearly 3lbs so I'm guessing by now she weighs atleast 3.5lbs to maybe closer to 4. In the next weeks she is expected to gain about a half pound per week - so I'll start taking pictures weekly.
I've also noticed some swelling starting in my ankles and feet, but overall I feel very good. Not sure when I'll try to cut back my hours at work or if I will take a couple weeks off before the baby's due.