Monday, November 2, 2009

six weeks going on seven

We've been working on training Angela to fall asleep on her own during the daytime (rather than us cradle her) sometimes shes wrestles so much she gets upset and starts crying...other times she manages. At night she still sleeps in bed with me. Although I would prefer for her to sleep in her bassinet, she squirms and groans a lot in her sleep, but when she's next to me, she does it a lot less and when she does I can feed her pretty quickly and quietly without waking her up all the way, and if she's just squirming to fall back to sleep I can cuddle her and calm her down and go back to sleep faster. Overall this method has enabled me to get much better sleep at night but I'm hoping in the next few months, once she grows a bit more and can hold more in her stomach, that I can transition her back to the bassinet.

She also occasionally sucks her tongue (usually after I've fed her) which is a bit weird and a bit funny.. Here is video of that and the difficult process of falling asleep. Lastly is a video of Angela chewing on daddy - this is actually pretty much just what she does sometimes when I'm nursing her which is hilarious, it's like I am feeding a little monster! I also like how she punches herself in the cheek in the first video.

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