Sunday, November 8, 2009


Angela's smiles have been a bit of a phantom, however, last Thursday during a 6am diaper change she shot a big smile at me, and although I appreciated this, I was more concerned with getting her back to sleep. Later that morning we took a trip down to Bruegger's in Hingham so she could meet grandma's friends who get together for coffee every morning. Angela was super happy to see her grandma and couldn't take her eyes off of her and she entertained everyone with a bunch of smiles. Since then she has been smiling a whole bunch every day which is very rewarding.
She has also become quite vocal, no more infant "wah, wah, wah waahwaaah" now we've graduated into the full "waaaaa" baby cries complete with sad frowning face. If she's frustrated she'll put out a "hey" or an "aye" depending on how you interpret it - basically it means, "whatever you're doing is not entertaining me, change your methods or I'll break out into full ear-piercing cries." If she's happy she'll shoot an "ooh" at you and do a little bit of gurgling-talk, which is nice - but more often than not, we get the "hey!"
Most of the time she requires that someone holds her... which usually is me, which also makes doing anything impossible. Occasionally she'll sit in her boppy chair and watch her penguin mobile that we have hanging at the kitchen table... but for the rest of the time she generally wants to be carried around, even if she's sleeping. Evening can be a bit tough, unless I have time to just sit on the couch and nurse her and hold her - otherwise she's a bit cranky - wants to sleep, but has a hard time doing so on her own. In the last week (not sure if this is the new trend or not) she's been going to bed by 10:00 or 11:00 which means I go to bed early, but she's still waking up at 3-4 hour intervals.

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