Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mommy's new Haircut

So after months of letting my hair grow out - not on purpose but out of sheer laziness (no pun intended), I made an appointment and got a ton of my hair chopped off. I had left John at home with Angela, but without a bottle because we hadn't given her a bottle in a while and the night before when we tried she wouldn't take it. So I fed her just before leaving and rushed home to feed her when I got back. She was fussy as expected and I put her in the position to nurse and she latched on, but then looked back up at me real quick, pulled off, and just STARED at me for a solid two minutes to say " WHO IS THIS PERSON?" I couldn't help but laugh the whole time (in between talking to her to make her realize it was still me) and it just goes to show that Angela knows her mom very well.

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