Thursday, January 15, 2009

Buy 38 weeks get two free!

In the weird scheme of things pregnancy is on average 40 weeks which some how fits into 9 months, but really doesn't, and for the first two weeks you aren't even pregnant.

Now into my 5th week (how time flies when you can count pre-ovulation toward pregnancy weeks) I am definitely aware that something is going on. For almost 2 weeks I've been feeling cramps, which at first I thought was a sign that I was not pregnant, but actually is a sign of pregnancy & my uterus getting ready to expand from the size of a pear to a watermelon.

My more appealing change is the fact that wow, I might actually rise up to a B-cup! Except for the tenderness & the fact that I will have no control over the expansion of my abdomen I could be one luscious pregnant lady at the beach this summer!

Our little one is now officially an embryo & is starting to form its brain & spinal cord & it's rudimentary cardiovascular system is actually starting to pump blood on it's own.

As the embryo grows, my body is going to be pushed harder to take care of it, i.e. my body is going to make nearly 45% more blood to circulate throughout my body than before... thus the exhaustion, the thirst, the hunger, frequent bathroom trips & my newest symptom: dizziness I felt first thing this morning when I got out of bed and almost fell over.

I fear the nausea, I am acquainted with motion sickness quite well and the occasional spell of headaches that would make me vomit, so I definitely see potential for some pretty awesome nausea, however I'm crossing my fingers.

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