It's not easy. The first couple of weeks were easy - he slept a lot and my mother was here. But the past few weeks I've been more on my own during the week and I've prayed a lot for help and I've tried to do my best to accept that there are going to be times (most likely every day) where things are not going to go my way - someone is going to be crying or acting cranky and my stress level is going to rise. By simply telling myself that its going to happen makes it easier to deal with while its happening. Summer is good for entertaining a child outside, except when you have a newborn that wants to be help constantly and you're all sweaty and a toddler who doesn't want to put sunblock on and wants to do things that are just downright impossible to do with a newborn.
Aside from that. Cameron was 8lbs 12oz at his 4 day check up, a week later he was 9lbs 14oz. Good work, my man. At his one month appointment (which was actually at less than 4 weeks) he was 12lbs and 22 inches.
Although Angela wants my attention when she's cranky and I'm nursing or holding Cameron, she's been a great big sister. She wants to hold him a lot, gives lots of kisses and I often hear "baby baby baby" throughout the day. A queen of saying "sure" when people ask her questions - Laura, our neighbor, asked Angela if she could take Cameron home and Angela gave her a most definite "no". When she does want my attention and I'm holding him (usually trying to get him to sleep so I can play with Angela) she says "baby... chair" and points to his bouncy seat that he usually naps in right now.
At Angela's 18 month appointment she was 22.5lbs and 33 inches and now approaching 22 month old - she's definitely growing into a little girl. She can reach things on the counters, she dances ballet on her tippy toes and puts her arms up above her head as she spins around, and she loves to clap and run and gallup at her gym class. She's starting to learn her letters & numbers and says lots of new words every day, if we say a word to her she'll generally try to say it back to us.
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