Monday, March 7, 2011


I realize now that Angela pulls my shirt up and kisses my belly because she gets that somehow there is a baby in there.

I despise pregnancy insomnia. However, it makes the sleeplessness of a newborn easier because I get better quality sleep despite it being in 2-3 hour increments - yet to be proven 100% 2nd time around.

Although I'm pretty sure Angela does say the word "yes" here and there, she doesn't say no - she just shakes her head. We're dealing with a lot of head shaking these days. She also covers her eyes with her hands when she knows (or thinks) she's done something wrong. She understands a vast majority of what we tell her, I can ask her to do semi-complex tasks (e.g. "go into the kitchen and get the seat that goes to your potty and bring it back here") and she'll do it.

And although she was a pretty picky eater for a while, her appetite has, thankfully, expanded to include not only a wide variety of fruit but also: pasta, scrambled eggs, bagels, open-faced grilled cheese, oatmeal - sometimes, cream cheese on toast, chicken, hot dogs, and the occasional bite of steak, peas & broccoli.

Angela got into a drawer in our bathroom this morning, pulled out a spare head to our electric toothbrushes, stuck it in her mouth and went "rrrrRRrRrrrrrr".

Angela loves to dance & is trying to gallop, although she seems to have the upper-body function figured out, but not so much the lower body creating a very odd motion when it's put all together.

I had an ultrasound at 23 weeks to determine that yes, baby #2 is measuring a bit large at this point in the pregnancy. He/she should be around 1.5 lbs and is instead about 2 1/4 - I have my 27 week appointment this Thursday, so we'll see how far along I'm measuring this time. It definitely felt like the baby was rather long/strong as I was being kicked and punched from both directions.

Angela says a lot of animal noises - Meow, Wfff (for dog), eee, eee, eee for monkey, MMMMmm for cow, tee, tee for bird, and occasionally Rrrrr for lion. However, today as I was changing her diaper she was looking at a book and she kept saying "cat" so I turned the book around to see what page she was on - and indeed, she was pointing at a picture of a cat. She has her 18 month appointment in a few weeks, so I'd like to be able to report to the doctor that she is indeed saying words, because I was supposed to call him if by 17 months she wasn't saying 6 words on a regular basis - and she really wasn't, but I wasn't concerned and I'm not a fan of her pediatrician so I really didn't want to call him - after this appointment she'll be going to a different doctor.

The 27 week bump

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