This was a quicky baptism to my delight, no mass just the ceremony. Angela was awake and alert the whole time, sitting on our laps in peace & quiet like never before. She paid very close attention to the priest and followed him with her head as he walked back and forth. When it was our turn to have the water poured on her head the priest asked the family & friends of Angela to stand up. Well, that was pretty much 90% of the people in attendance. The Boyles, the Tassinaris, my family, John's family, John's extended family, and all of John's friends. I think in total we had over 40 people there, it was crazy. Our side took the entire left side of the church, it was like a wedding. Anyway, when the priest went to pour the water, he used a real sized pitcher of water t
o do it, and with his enthusiasm poured water not just down the back of her head but completely in her face. Amazingly she took it like a champ and didn't utter a sound. Afterwards we took pictures and then the family descended upon her. This was my concern, especially because the other side of John's family that had not yet seen her are extremely enthusiastic people. However, to my amazement rather than freak out Angela pulled a sneaky move. Almost like she was drunk, her eye lids got extremely heavy, her head started weaving back and forth and she passed out right on John's shoulder. After the holidays she must have learned big crowd?, I'll just go to sleep. Thank goodness. It worked like a charm.
At the reception she was awake long enough for me to feed & change her diaper, she socialized for a few minutes and passed out again and slept while we ate. She woke up after dinner for about 20 minutes and then after we showed her around to half the tables, she once again fell asleep. She didn't wake up again until everyone was gone, was fed and then we were in the car! A complete success, that I could not have imagined turning out any better.
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