Tuesday, September 22, 2009

day 6

So here is my 6 day post-partum belly, I weighed myself today and so far I have lost 22 lbs, from the whopping 60 incredible pounds that I gained during pregnancy. So much of it was water weight and I felt like a balloon.

Monday night my breasts turned into softballs, but Angela was kind enough to demand nursing on and off from midnight to 2:30am which relieved much of the swelling. However she gave me a lovely abbrasion on the right side and it was impossibly painful to nurse her on that side for a couple days. We took a trip out to CVS and then Market Basket - to get a pump and get food. However, my pain medication wore off and I was dying while we shopped at the grocery store.
Right now she doesnt roll around when she sleeps so if I'm alone in bed I bring her into the bed with me and sleep next to her. It can take a while for her to really fall asleep so this allows me to feed her on and off and let her fall asleep without me having to move her and risk waking her again.

Angela had her first checkup at the dr's office today, when we were discharged from the hospital she weighed 6lbs 6oz and today she weighed 6lbs 9oz. Our next appt is Oct 2nd to see how much more weight she had regained. She is an eating machine so I am hoping that she will be atleast back to her birth weight by then.

1 comment:

  1. 22 pounds in 6 days! Wow. You are a weight loss machine. I guess 7 of those pounds were Angela, but still, wow. Take your time with the weight loss though, I heard that if you lose weight too quickly it interferes with lactation.
