Monday, August 31, 2009

mild contractions still going on..

It's 4:00 am, still having mild contractions but I was able to sleep pretty well throughout the night, I'm only awake now because I was thirsty & John was up to go to work.

He on the other hand did not sleep well because he was thinking about the fact that I could be going into labor.

The only bummer if I did go into labor today or tomorrow, is that my parents are actually in Missouri - I called my father's cell phone last night just to give them a heads up but they didn't pick up and didn't return my phone call. It would be kind of funny if I gave birth and they were the last ones to know.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

huh, that feels different

So today while John & I were eating lunch I started feeling a cramping sensation in my lower abdomen which hung around for a little bit & I could feel my uterus contracting. For the past 5 hours I've been feeling contractions sometimes stronger than others but still noticeable. Sometimes I don't even notice the contraction until I put my hands on my abdomen and can feel the muscles tightening. So far though it has not been painful, just much more frequent that ever is kind of exciting to think this might be it, and viceversa I'm trying not to think about it too much incase it's not yet time.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

37 Weeks ....

So, based on the fact that Angela has now turned in a ticking time bomb, John & I figured it was time to figure out how to work the car seat... it was a bit confusing but I think we understand it now.
I had a dr's appt this morning, which I was glad to have actually lost 2lbs since my last visit... a lot of my weight gain has been excess fluid and today was the first time in the past 3 visits that I have not had to have my blood drawn - yay! Also in good news, I am negative for group B strep which just means I don't need to get a dose of antibiotics when I am in labor... but based on my history of things that did raise red flags and more drs visits - abnormal AFP, RH negative, high blood pressure readings & sudden weight gain... I am feeling happy to not need extra attention for once.
Aside from a little bit of heart burn, swollen ankles, frequent trips to the bathroom & some sleeplessness I feel very good & rather comfortable considering the load I am now carrying.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

36 weeks and... 2 days

So summer finally arrived this week and we actually had a heat wave of 90 degree weather. Aside from the A/C at work not cooperating and our offices maintaining a sweatastic temperature of 88 degrees, I've been doing pretty well! The car's A/C works super and having central air at home I can almost pretend that there isn't a heat wave... except for when I need an excuse to go out for ice cream.
Between me and the little miss who is renting space from within, we are beginning to run out of room. She'll shift her feet or legs and kick my arm or push my tummy away from the table if I happen to be sitting too close. However at the same time, she is playing a game of cat n' mouse with daddy and likes to lay still whenever he tries to get a feel for what she's up to.
Mummy finally noticed a few wonderful stretch marks on her tummy this week - damn lil trouble maker better be wicked cute & happy all the time, so when I finally can see anything below my belly button without the help of a mirror, I can atleast be reminded that my vanity took a back seat for a wonderful addition to my life (which I'm sure she will be).
Other than that and still being hungry a lot I feel very good & sometimes when I walk around I don't even feel like I'm 8.5 months pregnant... however other times - especially after sitting awhile I will get up and feel like I'm carrying a cannon ball. Time is ticking away though and it won't be much longer until we see what all the fuss is about.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Dr's Appt

My blood pressure was lower this week - hooray! However I keep packing on the water weight and I'm blowing up like a balloon, so I had to give some more blood (yay! fun!) so they can watch for preeclampsia. The best news was that baby is in her correct position for take off... which I could pretty much tell - she sticks her butt out a lot and when she has the hiccups I can tell where her head is :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

35 weeks

35 days until d-day. I'm going to just keep wearing this same top for all the pictures so the progression isn't skewed by different colors/styles of clothing.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Progression....thus far.

Wow... it's starting to look like a watermelon...

34 Weeks

We have our birthing class this weekend from 9-5 on Saturday, I have begun to cut back on my work hours - I am becoming more tired throughout the day although falling asleep at night can be a challenge due to restlessness. Overall though I feel very good.