Today I am at exactly 22 weeks and had another Level 2 ultrasound at the hospital. So far so good, the baby is growing well and her heart/brain/other organ development is healthy.
This picture is a bit unclear (she was moving around while the tech got this shot) but you can see her nose in the middle, her eyes & her hands are up near her face, she is so much bigger now than before.
The baby bump has been expanding but my mother is on a trip to Israel and I let her borrow my camera, so I cant take any pictures until she gets back.
The baby has been moving/kicking a lot (although John can't feel them most of the time) and I have been experiencing Braxton-Hicks contractions here and there. The first time I felt it, I was a bit unnerved but they are very infrequent and not very strong at all.